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Graduate Trainee Stipend Program 

The Graduate Trainee Stipend Program financially supports master’s-level students during their advanced practicum or internship experiences that serve rural, under-resourced, or justice-involved communities. To be eligible to apply, students must have confirmed practicum or internship experiences, be in good academic standing, and intend to practice in Nebraska after graduation. 

Students accepted into this program will receive a $15,000 stipend. Stipends will be distributed over the length of the experience through monthly payments.  

A student’s supervisor(s) may be eligible for a $5,000 stipend upon completion of the experience. Only $5,000 is allocated per student to support their supervision. If a student completes their practicum or internship at multiple locations or has more than one supervisor, the $5,000 will be distributed between the supervisors accordingly. 

For additional information about this program visit our website.